This morning I get up and head out for my routine 4 miles. As I'm crossing the street at a crosswalk a gentleman allows me to cross. The guy behind him decides to go along the shoulder and nearly hit me. He looked right at me without a care. Now maybe he was running late for his robot job that he hates. Or maybe he had a bullet in his left thigh and was rushing to a hospital. Which actually is 3 minutes the opposite way he was going. So I thought I guess it's gonna be one of those days.
A little later on after I returned home I checked my mail to find this Grammy Award Invitation. Let's not get too excited because it is to purchase tickets for the Grammy Awards at Madison Square Garden this coming January. I am not photographing the awards. Actually, I'm not even close to that happening. But, I see it as a reminder that I am a member of the Recording Academy. In the past, I was told that as a photographer it would be impossible for me to become a member. Just one of the perks is being able to purchase tickets to the awards. I have not even decided if I would attend them. But, just seeing this nice little booklet made me smile and enjoy the day.
Great Fall weather today and I've already knocked out a lot of business projects I wanted and needed to get done today.